PMT Infrascience have been providing engineering solutions for infrastructure verticals like Tunnels, dams, bridges, rails, hydro projects for last several years. AI is one of the newest technology trends
that has invaded the business scenario in recent years. The technology empowers computers to
replicate human intelligence by end-to-end integration of data collection from the readout units. For
this reason, in 2018, PMT started new frontiers for business to take advantage of AI-powered
applications to their manufacturing processes and operations to drive growth and efficiency. PMT
intends to be a part of the Industry 4.0 revolution.
Functioning of the Internet is persistently transforming from the Internet of computers (IoC) to the
‘Internet of things (IoT)’ and further to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs) for the industries. Furthermore, massively interconnected systems, also known as cyber-physical systems (CPSs), are
emerging from the assimilation of many facets like infrastructure, embedded devices, smart objects,
humans, and physical environments. ‘Internet of Everything in a Smart Cyber Physical Earth’. IoT and
CPS conjugated with ‘data science’ may emerge as the next ‘smart revolution’.
We, PMT INFRASCIENCE as an IoT service provider is getting ready for next Industrial revolution. PMT offers integrated sensors, instruments, and other devices networked together. These all-smart sensors take the real time readings and transfers the data on cloud where the user can access the real time data for risk measurement, structural health monitoring. This system integration allows for data collection, exchange, with the inclusion of AI in the system helping businesses to analyse datasets and draw meaningful insights from the data. These insights are then used to make predictions, product recommendations, and important business moves. AI helps to analyse, potentially facilitating improvements in productivity and efficiency as well as other economic benefits.
PMT INFRASCIENCE believes in delivering the best-in-class performance to the clients by developing applications that specifically cater to their requirements and maximize their ROI by automating their business operations.
PMT INFRASCIENCE believes in delivering the best-in-class performance to the clients by developing applications that specifically cater to their requirements and maximize their ROI by automating their business operations.