Embedment Strain Gages are used to monitor strain in reinforced concrete and massive concrete structures. Change in stress is determined by multiplying the measured strain by the modulus of elasticity.
The Embedment Strain Gauge of PMT comprises of a vibrating wire strain element sealed within a gauge tube and tensioned between two end flanges. With the gauge embedded within concrete, deformation of the concrete mass causes the two-gauge flanges to move relative to one another, thus altering the tension in the steel wire. As the tension of wire changes, its natural frequency of vibration change which is transmitted through a cable to the readout unit.
- - Accurate, robust, and low cost
- - Long term stability with high reliability
- - Suitable for large strain measurement
- - Frequency signal can be transmitted over long distance
- - Built-in thermistor for temperature measurements.
Sensor type | Vibrating Wire |
Range | 3000 microstrain |
Resolution | 1 microstrain |
Accuracy | ±0.1% F.S. |
Temperature Range | -20 to 80°C |